Dear Mother Nature,
I hope things are well. I am glad you have been able to visit with us for quite a while as of late. In the past week things have changed a little, you have made a mess and you have asked us to clean it up.
Scioto County has seen it's fair share of snow as of late. Granted we have not seen the amount of snow, the rest of the county has seen. Areas like Washington D.C. have received an estimated 60 inches so far. A number of areas in the country have also seen record amounts of snow.
It's hard to say but it's estimated the area has received over a foot of snow thus far.
I also wanted to take the time to tell you have I have not had the best experiences with you and what you have to offer this time of year.
The other night while traveling home, the roads were covered and I was trying to make it up a small hill to my home. As luck would have it I could not make it. About half way up the hill, I realized I was not going to make it and applied the breaks and started to slide back down the hill. At this point my foot was on the floor board in an effort to stop the car.
I was had positioned myself sideways across the road at this point. As luck would have it I was close to a neighbors house and they noticed what I had gotten myself into.
He climbed into the car and spun it around, down the hill to the point I could travel through an alley. The alley was treacherous and had snow past my ankles. The good news is that I made it home and was fine, incase you were wondering.
I do have some thoughts for you thought. I've noticed you have been working hard as of late. You have been putting in some late hours. I would recommend you take a few days off, take an extended vacation you deserve it. Go somewhere warm.
As for us we will be fine. It may be thought for a while but we will get through the day. We will however expect you to come back in a few months and bring some better news with you.
With love and respect,
Wayne Allen