It's a work in progress......
What does it mean to be revolutionary? To me, it means to lead yourself and sometimes others to a new way of thinking on certain issues, or to look at something from a new perspective.
One of the things I find amazing about Community of Christ camps, is how quickly the participants come together to form a community that will only grow in strength. Looking back on the experience I believe the participants of Spectacular 2010 were able to form a community divinely created, to see the gospel how its supposed to be lived out.
The formation of the community became evident on Wednesday night when President Steve Veazey was moved by the spirit in such a way that prompted him to tell of an experience he had with the Holy Spirit during that service.
I can only somewhat remember what was shared, but early on you can tell it was going to be something important.
Many people after that experience used it as a reference point for the camp. In the fact where were no boundaries between us (everyone that was there), only love. It was interesting, because he shared in devotions with the West Pony delegation after the service. Much laughter and tears were shared during those devotions.
That experience served as an eye opener for me. I have been struggling with the concept of vulnerability. To be comfortable enough with myself and my surroundings to truly be who I am. One of the daily themes was revolutionary vulnerability as a result my understanding has been further developed, I will not say I am there yet but I am on my way.
Other daily themes included, Revolutionary invitation, inclusion, grace, generosity and life.
On Tuesday night a campus wide worship was held in the football stadium. President David Schaal gave the keynote address. The offering during this year helped SPEC become the first large donor to the churches human trafficking fund. Over $5,000 was raised.
I had no idea of this prior to SPEC but James Mulholland was in attendance. By chance he was at my branch several years ago to do a workshop and I purchased his book, 'If God Is Love.' This summer I picked it up for the first time to read. It was neat to get to spend time with him and pick his brain about the book. The good news is that I was able to finish the book while I was there.
To quote the book, "I need to get out of the pew and into the world. The religious were to be agents of transformation rather than allies of the status quo....The problem with waiting is that nothing really changes. The problem with the change is that it requires our involvement." To me those lines speak of being revolutionary.
There is a great deal of things, I could about this revolutionary camp. But to make a long story short, SPEC this year reaffirmed to me why I am a member of this church. Because of the community that was created and because of the love that was shared on and off the court, I believe we have all heard the message loud and clear. It's time for a new way of thinking. It's time for us to be the change this world needs to see...
That's awesome, Wayne. Thanks for sharing! :)