For the last day and a half we have been without internet and internal network resources at work, so it has been interesting. This gave me some time to consider how dependent we are on the small things in life. The time we were without internet it seemed as if world had fallen apart and the only thing that would fix it would be a secure connection.
During that time I was able to catch up on quite a few small projects I thought I would get to someday. For some projects that someday was yesterday. Which is a good thing. As a result, some of those small projects have now become bigger projects.
I have an external hard drive, where I keep back-up copies of photos. As of yesterday there were over 6,000 photos on that hard drive. So I have undertaken the task of burning ALL of them to CD's so space can be freed up on the hard drive.
One the key things to this issue is that it's formatted to my work computer which is an iMAC, that does not have a DVD burner on it. My laptop is a PC. So my laptop does not play well with my work computer.
Also the photos I take are large format (an average of 17 mega bites per file). So burning all of those to CD's has turned into quite a task.....
I will get this project done some day......
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