Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Weekend At Kirtland

Celebrating 175 Years of History

By Wayne Allen

An estimated 300 members and friends of the Community of Christ gathered on March 27 in Kirtland, Ohio for the 175th anniversary of dedication of the Kirtland Temple. The keynote speaker for the service was Community Of Christ President Steve Veazey who spoke about the importance of paying proper attention to our past of a denomination.
At the beginning of his address Veasy quoted several scriptures and quoted from a book called ‘Crow and the Weasel’ by Barry Lopez.
“The stories that people tell have a way of taking care of people. If stories come to you care for them, and learn to give them away, where they are most needed. Sometimes a person needs a story more than food to stay alive.”
Veazey said growing up the story of the Kirtland Temple spiritually cared for him long before he was able to visit the site.
“I’ve visited the Kirtland Temple many times, each time this time and space and story, including this weekend intersect and interacted in my heart and mind and draws me ever more deeply into Gods presents and redemptive work in the world,” Veasy said. “The place, the space and the story continues to shape my understanding of the ways Gods spirit, the churches identity, its understanding of mission and the message that we are called to share with the world.”
“In today’s incrensly seceptal, secular world the Kirtland Temple story calls us to deeper communion and experience with the spirit. A communion for which our souls desperately need," Veazey said. "Most of us are not aware how spiritually famished we are, because of the nature and fast pace of our lives. We easily become insolated and distracted from the spiritual dimensions and forward possibilities of the spirit in our lives. If we could just help ourselves and others pause long enough, in sacred spaces like this, our souls will awaken and stir and seek a deeper spiritual connection and relationship with God."
Veasy said the story of the Kirtland Temple continues to tell the church that, “we need to stop, and pay more attention to our spiritual lives as individuals and as a faith community.”
He said, genuine discipleship and effective ministry comes out of the over flow of a spiritual life that is attuned to the spirit of the living God. “That’s where the energy and vision for mission comes from. Thats when ministry and mission is no longer a task, it’s a joy because it’s coming out of the overflow of the spirit with our lives.”
Veazey then shared how a number of the church’s functions today have their roots at the Kirtland Temple. He cited the many educational opportunities that were offered in the early days of the temple. The churches first overseas missionaries were sent from the temple.
“I yearn for the church today to regain a since of mission and calling that will inspire such commitment and generous giving. So much of our discipleship is so carefully calculated and compartmentalized. The Community of Christ needs to recover a since of the gospel, that establishes the gospel in our lives as the one cause that is greater than life it’s self,” Veazey said. “This is how the story of the Kirtland Temple continues to shape the life of the church today.”
In closing Veazey commented, “in response to the history and spirit of this place, let us go forth into a world of great need to tell the story of jesus and his love as we have come to know it as a people of faith. Let our witness be fueled by the power of gods spirit which burns in our hearts and souls."
Throughout the service a number of the same functions were performed, such as the same songs be sung.

Friday, March 25, 2011

For Becky and Rob

This blog if you have not guessed it by now is dedicated to Becky and Rob's wedding. I know that they will be forever together in love. They won't see this for a while because they are in Spain, Bu thought it was important. More photos are on my facebook.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

"Be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet. Make all your friends feel there is something special in them. Look at the sunny side of everything. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Be as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give everyone a smile. Spend so much time improving yourself that you have no time left to criticize others. Be too big for worry and too noble for anger."

- Christian D. Larsen, Larsen was a New Thought leader and teacher, as well as a prolific author of metaphysical and New Thought books.

I just thought this was a good quote on how to stay on the sunny side of things. I've been trying to do a lot more of that lately than I have in the past. I figure it's not going to do anyone any good for me to be negative about life and the cards that it dealt me.
I am looking forward to this weekend. A dear friend is getting married and I know they will be happy together, because they already are.
Also this weekend I will be attending a class in Lucasville dealing with church history. The class starts Friday night, I will leave Friday afternoon to make it to the wedding and pick up on the class again Sunday morning.
Next weekend we are going to Kirtland for the 175th anniversary of the Kirtland Temple...More on that later...

As always thanks for reading,


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

All You Need Is Love...

All you need is love!

As many of you know and most of you were in attendance I got ordained on Sunday to the priesthood of the Community Of Christ. It was such a powerful service. There were a number of people that made the trip to Camp Bountiful in support of me. It continues to amaze me how much love and support was present that day.
The service was held as the closing service for Jr. High Spring retreat. The theme for the weekend was I believe. We explored the idea of World Religions and how they relate to the Community of Christ. We also explored the idea of being support for one another and how easy it is to have our love tank drained and filled back up. We also wrote encouraging notes to others in attendance so they could reflect on them when times are tough.
As you can see from the photos three of my dearest friends were able to preform the ordination. Becky, Alicia and Lee Lee. With Alicia saying the prayer. This was the first time she has ordained someone since being ordained herself. You could totally tell once the service began she was divinely driven. I am so grateful to have friends that would say yes to being apart of this special day in my life.
I would be remiss if I did not tell you I was really really nervous about the service. I sat beside my friend Jessica during the service and we were able to laugh throughout the service. It was fun to be able to laugh through the nerves.
During the service there was paper hearts passed out. Those in attendance were advised to write encouraging notes to me. In the end there were a bunch of them that will provide encouragement to me for a long time.
I was also give a very unique piece of art work during the service...
Even through everyone could not be there, I was able to feel the love and support of those who wished they were there.
I do not think I would be the person I am today without each and everyone of them and you.

As always thanks for taking the time to read this...