This past weekend I was able to attend the young adult retreat at Camp Bountiful. The theme for the weekend was Everyday Blessings. There were around 30 people at the retreat, with some who have not been at camp for a number of years. At the retreat were some awesome guest ministers, who provided some ministry that we all were ab

le to relate to. One of the great things from the weekend was the safe space/community we were able to create. During one of the class a couple of people were able to profess some really deep stuff going on in their lives. I found it fascinating that we could form such a community in only a day of being together. We were united by the one that drawled us all together.
One of the aspects that will make this retreat memorable for me is that I was able to serve communion for the first time since being ordained. It was a humbling opportunity to being on the serving end of this sacrament. I was even afforded the opportunity to say the combined prayer.
While serving some said it was an honor for them to be apart of y first time serving communion. It was the first time I was able function as a member of the priesthood. It was exciting and scary at the same time.
Here are some photos from the retreat,
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