Saturday, December 31, 2011

To The year that was

This time of year causes a lot of people to look back on the year that was. So now it's my turn, 2011 was a year of change for me.
In late 2010 I was called to the priesthood of the Community Of Christ. It was a very humbling experience to know that God was calling me into greater responsibility. With a lot of study and preparation I was ordained to the office of priest in March at Jr. High retreat. For me the choice of who would ordain me was simple...the people that have had a big impact on my life. The place to have the ordination was also simple the place that has helped to shape who I am today.
  My ordination was an experience that has and will continue to be a blessing. Here is the quote I like to use when talking about my ordination, Zen Buddhists use the saying “Before I was enlightened” one Zen master explained “the mountains looked like mountains and the rivers like rivers. At the moment of enlightenment I saw it all differently. And now that I am enlightened, the mountains look like mountains again and the rivers look like rivers.” Or, when asked what it was like to be enlightened, another Zen master answered, “I chop wood and carry water.”

In April (I think) I was able to attend the 175th anniversary of the Kirtland Temple. It was a sight to see, most of the church leadership was in attendance and the service was something for the record books. After the Sunday morning service there was a small meet and greet time with the president of the church. It was awesome, he remembered me from previous conversations.
  Also this year there were some additions-friends got married. I know they will be as happy as they can be with their love.

This year has also provided my opportunities for ministry.
I became licensed to perform marriages in Ohio. In July I was able to perform the marriage of my sister (Tracy) and her husband (Nick).  It was a great experience to be able to perform their marriage.

This year I was also name the Portsmouth Area Chamber of Commerce Member of the Year for all of the volunteer work I do in the community. That to was a humbling experience, to know that others acknowledged your work.  

This year I have served in several rolls in the community. I am serving as the President of Main Street Portsmouth, an organization dedicated to the historical revitalization of downtown Portsmouth, Ohio.We have made many significant changes throughout 2011 for the betterment of the organization and the city. Most notable we hired a new director. This organization is on track to do great things for the city of Portsmouth.  

I am serving in my second term as co-president of Scioto County Habitat For Humanity. We have constructed two houses in 2011. That is a big number because on average we have constructed one. Next year we are on schedule to complete three houses. This is an organization and a ministry that is close to my heart......

I am also serving on the board of directors of the Autism Project of Southern Ohio. The president of the organization recently resigned after serving 6 years. We have recently found and appointed someone to take over those duties after the first of the year.

I am also currently serving my second term as the Vice President of the Camp Bountiful Board of Directors. I have been serving on the board for a number of years and it has been a pleasure serving in a leadership position.
2011 also marked my 20th consecutive year camping at Camp Bountiful. That place has meant so much to me over the years it's hard to imagine my life without it.   
I am also the Editor of the Bountiful Mission Center Newsletter and Mission Center Communicator , World Church Young Adult Newsletter and the World Church 70 Newsletter.

This Summer I had the privilege of serving on three summer camp staffs. Sr. High, Jr. High and SPEC.
All of the camps were great and provided memories that will last a lifetime. One of the highlights was the fact that I go to say the communion prayer at SPEC during an all camp worship. It was an awesome opportunity and is one of the highlights of my ministry thus far.

I was able to meet my Goodreads book reading challenge as well. I read 7 books in 2011.

To top it all off I do have a full time job as a photojournalist for two newspapers in Portsmouth. There is a weekly paper called the Community Common. I am in charge of coming up with the editorial content for that paper every week and ensure that everything runs smooth in it's operation.

I like to tell people I work full time to support my volunteering habits.

And for Christmas Santa brought me an iPhone. 

As you can see 2011 was a very productive year for me and those in my life. A lot of change happened for the better. What will happen in 2012 is up to God, I do know that 2011 has set the bar pretty high.   

As always thanks for reading and I hope your 2012 will be the greatest.


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