Monday, September 12, 2011

So I turned 30...

So, this weekend I had my 30th birthday. I spent the day (Saturday) in an all day church class. Around lunch time it came out that it was by birthday. One of the women that was cooking that day took it upon herself to bake me a cake. It even had candles, it was great. The class we attended was called E3....It was the first class in a three years of classes.
About a month ago I was sent an email by the Camp Bountiful Board of Directors President, saying there was going to a strategic planning session on September 11th in Chillichothe, about an hour away. So I was on my way to the meeting and got a call from my friend Becky saying they needed markers for the meeting. So I stopped at Kmart to pick them up.
I walk into the restaurant, fully expecting a meeting. It turned out some friends had planed a surprise birthday party for me, and there was no meeting.
It was such a good surprise and I had no idea it was in the works or anything.
It made me realize that I was loved by so many people......such a good feeling. It makes my heart feel good just thinking about it.
I will post some photos as soon as they are posted.....It was such a great weekend. I have the best friends in the world.....I have been blessed to have them in my life.     

Friday, September 9, 2011


Well there have been quite a few new things happen in my life and somethings that I wish did not happen. But, lets focus on the positive, I started a new book the other day, the cover is above. The book is less than 200 pages, but they are tall pages and contain a lot of information. I have heard nothing but good things about this book and am looking forward to getting into it. Let me know if you would like to read it next.
Tomorrow is my birthday! I will be turning 30 years, old, (Yes, Becky that is old). It just seems a little weird to be having this milestone. I am not sure I am ready for what 30 has in store for me but, I'm sure I will get there.
This week I attended my first funeral for my friend Bonnie Glandon. She was taken from this world last week due to a car accident. There was about 235 people at the funeral to pay their last respects to someone that meant so much to each of them. During the service different people shred different stories on how she helped them in their journey.
I gave the message at Pleasant Valley last Sunday and spoke of her and another friend that also passed last week. I'll post that sermon sometime soon.
Tomorrow I'll be taking part in a distance learning class that will take place with the should be fun and informative.
The rest of this month I will be gone most weekends and with the way work has been going... things are going to be busy.....

As always thanks for taking the time to read my rantings......