As many of you know I had my concerns about the confirmation vote on my priesthood call which took place this past Sunday. No offense to the members of my congregation but there have been some issues in the past that have not been favorable. Some of those issues and circumstances have almost caused me to leave and as Doctrine and Covenants section 161 states “1a. Lift up your eyes and fix them on the place beyond the horizon to which you are sent. Journey in trust, assured that the great and marvelous work is for this time and for all time.” This past Sunday I crossed a milestone on that journey. As it turns out all of my reservations and fears were not necessary.
There were four letters of support solicited on my behalf from a few people who could not attend the service.
I can tell you the letters when read aloud to those in attendance it made me cry. I tried to hold the emotions back but alas I could not.
Now I would like to share with you some excerpts of the letters;
“Wayne’s constant presence at Camp Bountiful, as well as other ministries of our church is just one of the many reminders God has has imprinted upon my heart concerning his priesthood call. Wayne’s unwavering commitment to Camp Bountiful is an inspiration and motivation to all of us.”
“Many of us are afraid to step out of our comfort zones because of there it might take us in our faith. We are afraid of what it might call us to do, but Wayne has embraced the call to live outside of his comfort zone.”
“In every case, I have recognized the intersection of divine call, need, willingness and ability of the candidate. Wayne Allen now stands at such an intersection. I believe he has been called by the God of grace to serve in this time and place.”
“I have known of Wayne’s call for some time, and simply assumed for many months that he had already been ordained. Wayne already serves with the informal authority of a member of the clergy. It is time for that authority to become formalized.”
“He has always shared with me his desire and willingness to serve God in any capacity. I was so excited for him when he was accepted to serve a summer internship at the Auditorium in Independence, Mo. I still think that Wayne has out Profit on “speed dial.” Wayne communicates with the hierarchy of our church more than anyone I know.”
“Wayne is one of the most loving and caring persons that I have ever met. I honestly think he would give you the shirt of his back, if you need it. One of his greatest characteristics is his compassion and willingness to be of service for his Lord. He knows that he is a work that is still in progress and I think he works hard to improve in all areas of his life. He also adds integrity to his resume. I would trust my life on his honesty.”
“Wayne is a huge assist to this church and this community .I am very excited for Wayne's call to priest and the opportunity to continue to work with him in his new position. I like many others have been blessed because Wayne is in my life.”
If I thought I was half the person these people described I would not have as many reservations. Due to these statements and many more you can see why I was in tears by the time they were read.
After the letters were read, the opportunity for others to testify in confirmation, others stood and described how they thought my calling was appropriate.
After the letters and the testimonies were given at vote was taken. Everyone in attendance voted in support of my calling.
I have been very blessed in my life in ways I have yet to realize. One of the ways I have been blessed is the people I have had the privilege of calling my friend. Each and every person has had such a profound impact on my life. They have taught me lesions that has contributed to the person I am today. Without each of them I would not be the person I am today.
Because those in my congregation and those who sent letters support me in a big way with this new adventure, some of my reservations have been subsided.
I am now even more excited about the journey ahead, and for the adventures this calling has in store for me.
I thank for your love and support and most of all for letting me rant for a while.
Such an awesome post! Congrats again!