I started a new book. I am not that far into the book but, I wanted to share with you an experience I had yesterday with it's logic.
The book is called "Crazy Love." In the preface of the book it warns that some people will not like the thoughts and ideas presented in the book and the author is ok with that.
The first chapter is called "Stop Praying".
The chapter calls on each of us to praying. The author challenges the readers to stop praying until we can stop talking at God and start talking with God in our prayers.
In the same chapter the author also challenges readers to be amazed everyday that we are alive.
One example he used. if you think about it we are inhabiting a small space in a town, that's part of a county, that's part of a state, that part of a county, that's part of a world, that's part of a solar system, that's part of a galaxy. Have you ever stopped to think about how tiny we are and how grand God really is? Are we standing right side up or up side down. We are all on this ball we call earth. If we are right side up then are the people living in China upside down?
The author used many more examples that would blow your mind if you really take the time to think about it.
Yesterday I had one of those experiences. I decided to walk what turned out to be four miles. The course took me by the Ohio River. While rocking out to my iPod walking by the river I noticed it was completely still.
This was the first time I had see the river completely still.
It was one of those moments you had to stop and look at. You could see the reflection of the hills on the other side of the river as if it was a mirror.
So I got as close as I could and praised God for this moment I was experiencing.
Shortly after a short meditation two speed boats came down the river disturbing the water. As a result of that water being disturbed that water will never be the same. I had to stop and praise God for that fact as well.
As always thanks for letting me ramble on......and thanks for reading.
So awesome you're reading that book!! I've heard only the best things about it. I actually have it on my nightstand to read! I've also heard great things about Radical. Have you read that?