Continuing with yesterday's theme I let my iPod decide the title of today's blog. Today's song is by Rob Thomas simply called "Someday."
Yesterday was quite eventful.
Like I shared with you yesterday I went to see "Fiddler On The Roof." I was under the impression that I would be able to take photos for the first ten minutes of the show.
One of the bad things about the Vern Riffe Center For the Arts there is not adequate parking for the attendance the show's draw. I went to the center and had to park a couple blocks away and that was a close spot compared to where some had to park.
Armed with my camera I entered the center and sought out the director. He then informed me the production crew decided before the show I would not be permitted to take photo. The show started at 7:30 p.m. and at this point it's about 7:25. I was also informed that I had a couple of tickets for the show and I was welcome to stay.
So I ventured back to my car to put my camera away. Then I came back to the center to pick up tickets and find my seat before the show started.
I was able to accomplish all of this before the show started.
The show was one of the best I have seen at the Vern Riffe Center. The production quality of the show was superb.
The show was nearly a sell out at 1,700 seats. Which was very surprising given how unstable the weather has been as of late. Everyone seem to enjoy the show. It received a standing ovation in the end.
The play had MANY moral messages for today's time.
The only downside to the show was that it is three hours long. It took come commitment to stay till the end.
Lately, I have been on this kick of watching the West Wing. Don't get me wrong it's one of my favorite shows, It's just taking me a while to get through them. It's also hard to find time to watch them when I know there are other things I could be doing.
Today I did not have to come to work until the afternoon so I was able to advance by three episodes. In case you are interested I am a quarter of the through the second season.
Recently I was asked to be a part of a focus group for the church. The church has partnered with an advertising agency to launch a new initiative in the spring that's aimed at sustainable giving by young adults in the church.
This morning I participated in an interview with a representative from the advertising agency to answer questions about the church and what I thought it would take for an initiative like this to be successful.
It will be exciting to see this turns out.
Also this morning I joined a gym. Soon I will be participating in a racquetball tournament that is forming. I used to play the game A LOT and have gotten away from it. It's an intense game with a very high margin of getting hurt. I will let you know how that turns out.
This afternoon I attended a court trial to take photos. On trial were five men from Detroit that were caught dealing drugs in our community near a school. Each of the men have been convicted on similar charges before making them repeat offenders.
In the end each of the men received a 27 year sentence, 20 of which is mandatory. While the judge was reading the sentence to each of the men, none of them showed remorse or regret. They acted as if it was ok.
This evening I will be going to Valley High School to take photos at a basketball game, so that should be entertaining.
I also started a new book today, I will tell you more about that some other time.
As always thanks for letting me rant for a while, and thanks for reading.
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