Well, going into this week I knew it was going to be a short week because of the holiday. So I scheduled my self off work on Friday for a me day. I did that with the idea that I would take care of a few things and be able to spend the time the way I wanted. It turns out something went wrong with my car Thursday night and needed to be worked on all day Friday and Saturday. My dad had a couple of his friends look at it, with no success. Now it is stilling somewhere else waiting to be looked at with a real possibility of getting fixed on Monday. It has been a frustrating process, I suppose it should be a learning opportunity, that sometimes you are just meant to stay at home and do nothing for three days.
Here's hoping for a better day tomorrow....
Look at it this way...it could be worse. I was out of a car for almost 6 months. A couple of days never hurt anyway. Good luck. Sending prayers your way.