Hey all,
I hope this finds you doing well with your say and your week thus far. I want to be the first to inform you that this week (for me at least) will likely be one of the fastest weeks in human history. On May 1st I am scheduled to preach at the West Portsmouth Branch. This will be my first preaching engagement. The theme is "Peace Be With You." I have started the message and will likely start it many more times before it's delivered on Sunday.
I do not have much anxiety about the sermon, my issues will be to finish it. Also this week I am going to try to organize a work crew to head to Camp Bountiful to help finish a project that needs to be done before camp starts. If all of that works out I might take a mini-trip on Friday and Saturday, but we will see how it goes.....
Thanks for reading and wish me luck...
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
An Accomplishment

I know you all are interested in every aspect of my life....HE HE. This evening I was able to finish a 5k power walk. It was tough and I am not denying there were times I wanted to give up and leave because it felt like my calf's are going to explode but I was able to persevere and finish in less than an hour, that's an accomplishment for me. My biggest goal for the event was to not finish last, that was accomplished. So we will see if my calf's really do explode.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Talking about a Revolution
First off, I fell I must apologize my my lack of blogging. It's not that I did not have a lot to talk about it really come down to having the time to put those experiences in words. First things first, last weekend me about about 10 other people gathered at Camp Bountiful to help install the new playground. That was quite a learning experience for all of us.
Some of the people came early to drill necessary holes in the ground so the work, when everyone else was the went smooth. When we arrived at 8 a.m. we was greeted by a project supervisor, provided by the company the playground was purchased from.
We all worked together throughout the day to put the structure together quickly. There was a while we were working in the poring rain dumping bags concrete into holes so the rain could help it set properly.
The end result was that we got the structure up and stabilized. There is still some work that will need to be done before it can be properly use. A 12 inch bed of mulch will be placed around the structure.
After a day of working at Camp Bountiful I drove to Beavercreek, Ohio for a youth weekend. It was a good time. We were able to spend some quality time together, even thought I missed a majority of Saturday's activities. As a park of the Youth Weekend the youth lead the branch in a Sunday morning worship. Many members
of the branch were pleased the youth were willing to participate in such a manor. Oh, and the staff did a rockin job as well. I think the next one is being scheduled for the fall, because of the upcoming camping season.
Beavercreek is about 2 and a half hours from the town I live in. The forecast called for that Sunday afternoon to be wonderful. So, the drive home was spent with the windows down, listening to whatever radio station was available.
Last week it was announced that a "Scioto Slimdown" was being formed. It's the same concept as the show biggest looser but with more participants. I was able to call on some people and we formed a team called Thin it-to-win-it, we are quite clever. As a part of the challenge we all had to weigh in to know our starting point. Boy, was that a scary reality. I will not bore you with more details, let's just say i have a long way to go to be in my ideal weight range.
The last time this competition was held I was able to drop 60 pounds in 10 weeks. It was a lot of hard work and was done through a lot of determination. The challenge started today and will last for the next six weeks.
It's my hope/goal to enter this challenge with the same mentality as last time and with any luck I can drop some pounds along the way.
Also, last week I was asked to help serve communion during Maundy Thursday services that will be held this week. That should be exciting to see how that turns out.
I have been away from my home branch (Pleasant Valley) for about two months traveling throughout the Western Ohio and Bountiful Mission Center's and attending retreats at Camp Bountiful, and today was the first day I was able to return. It was a good service. Someone did not show up that was supposed to so I was asked to offer the prayers during the service. It was a bit challenging but end the end was cool.
This morning I was also informed the registration for my ordination was sent in to be recorded last week. Once recorded the church will be able to issue me a priesthood card so it can be used for officials purposes. I was pleased to here that had been taken care of, I was getting worried.
A couple of other items of note include, I have my first preaching date in two weeks at the West Portsmouth Branch, and it's communion Sunday. I have been rolling some ideas around in my head, so hopefully I can bring them together in the near future. I have also agreed to preach at the Jackson Branch the first Sunday in June...
I am really excited for this one I also got approval form my work to talk off for the camps I will be staffing this summer, that's exciting. Now that that's in place the planning process has begun.
That's a of of things I just tried to describe to you. I hope you did not get to board, even though I think I might have fallen a sleep a couple of time, composing it.
Thanks for taking the time,
Some of the people came early to drill necessary holes in the ground so the work, when everyone else was the went smooth. When we arrived at 8 a.m. we was greeted by a project supervisor, provided by the company the playground was purchased from.

We all worked together throughout the day to put the structure together quickly. There was a while we were working in the poring rain dumping bags concrete into holes so the rain could help it set properly.
The end result was that we got the structure up and stabilized. There is still some work that will need to be done before it can be properly use. A 12 inch bed of mulch will be placed around the structure.
After a day of working at Camp Bountiful I drove to Beavercreek, Ohio for a youth weekend. It was a good time. We were able to spend some quality time together, even thought I missed a majority of Saturday's activities. As a park of the Youth Weekend the youth lead the branch in a Sunday morning worship. Many members

Beavercreek is about 2 and a half hours from the town I live in. The forecast called for that Sunday afternoon to be wonderful. So, the drive home was spent with the windows down, listening to whatever radio station was available.
Last week it was announced that a "Scioto Slimdown" was being formed. It's the same concept as the show biggest looser but with more participants. I was able to call on some people and we formed a team called Thin it-to-win-it, we are quite clever. As a part of the challenge we all had to weigh in to know our starting point. Boy, was that a scary reality. I will not bore you with more details, let's just say i have a long way to go to be in my ideal weight range.
The last time this competition was held I was able to drop 60 pounds in 10 weeks. It was a lot of hard work and was done through a lot of determination. The challenge started today and will last for the next six weeks.
It's my hope/goal to enter this challenge with the same mentality as last time and with any luck I can drop some pounds along the way.
Also, last week I was asked to help serve communion during Maundy Thursday services that will be held this week. That should be exciting to see how that turns out.
I have been away from my home branch (Pleasant Valley) for about two months traveling throughout the Western Ohio and Bountiful Mission Center's and attending retreats at Camp Bountiful, and today was the first day I was able to return. It was a good service. Someone did not show up that was supposed to so I was asked to offer the prayers during the service. It was a bit challenging but end the end was cool.
This morning I was also informed the registration for my ordination was sent in to be recorded last week. Once recorded the church will be able to issue me a priesthood card so it can be used for officials purposes. I was pleased to here that had been taken care of, I was getting worried.
A couple of other items of note include, I have my first preaching date in two weeks at the West Portsmouth Branch, and it's communion Sunday. I have been rolling some ideas around in my head, so hopefully I can bring them together in the near future. I have also agreed to preach at the Jackson Branch the first Sunday in June...
I am really excited for this one I also got approval form my work to talk off for the camps I will be staffing this summer, that's exciting. Now that that's in place the planning process has begun.
That's a of of things I just tried to describe to you. I hope you did not get to board, even though I think I might have fallen a sleep a couple of time, composing it.
Thanks for taking the time,
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
In Service
This past weekend I was able to attend the young adult retreat at Camp Bountiful. The theme for the weekend was Everyday Blessings. There were around 30 people at the retreat, with some who have not been at camp for a number of years. At the retreat were some awesome guest ministers, who provided some ministry that we all were ab
le to relate to. One of the great things from the weekend was the safe space/community we were able to create. During one of the class a couple of people were able to profess some really deep stuff going on in their lives. I found it fascinating that we could form such a community in only a day of being together. We were united by the one that drawled us all together.
One of the aspects that will make this retreat memorable for me is that I was able to serve communion for the first time since being ordained. It was a humbling opportunity to being on the serving end of this sacrament. I was even afforded the opportunity to say the combined prayer.
While serving some said it was an honor for them to be apart of y first time serving communion. It was the first time I was able function as a member of the priesthood. It was exciting and scary at the same time.
Here are some photos from the retreat,

One of the aspects that will make this retreat memorable for me is that I was able to serve communion for the first time since being ordained. It was a humbling opportunity to being on the serving end of this sacrament. I was even afforded the opportunity to say the combined prayer.
While serving some said it was an honor for them to be apart of y first time serving communion. It was the first time I was able function as a member of the priesthood. It was exciting and scary at the same time.
Here are some photos from the retreat,

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